Looking for an all Natural way to lower your Cholesterol? In the Natural Cholesterol Guide, you will find a natural way to lower your Cholesterol and there are many reasons why to try this product. It not only lowers your Cholesterol, you will feel energize.
More people have high cholesterol and are dying from heart attack and stroke than 30 years ago!
Breakthrough Discovery Reveals How Cutting Out One Single Ingredient Lowers Your Cholesterol Level Below 100 And Clear Out 93% Clogged Arteries
– Starting Today!
Prevent Diseases Such As Stroke and Heart Attack Plus Load You With Power and Vigor!
This page reveals a little-known secret to tackle cholesterol plaque, previously only available to the rich and famous.
- Completely clean out the plaque buildup in your arteries
- Drop your cholesterol to a healthy level
- And boost your physical and mental energy to levels you didn’t think possible
. . . all by cutting out just ONE simple ingredient you didn’t even know you were consuming.
That’s right!
We’re not talking about your favorite beefsteak, butter, fat, or any other product you’re consciously eating.
We’re not even talking about cholesterol as you know it.
And when I tell you what this ingredient is, you’ll be so disgusted that you’ll never eat it again.
You’ll begin to obsessively read food labels and research every meal that you eat to make sure you never put this horrendous ingredient in your mouth again.
- And again, NO, we’re not talking about:
- preservatives
- chemicals
- or anything else really listed on the food labels
I’ll explain in a minute exactly what this ingredient is and how to completely cut it out of your diet.
But first, the really good news.
You see, once you’ve cut out this ingredient, you won’t believe the positive effects you’ll feel. Because the plaque buildup in your arteries is taking away 50–80% of your energy!
Just think about it . . .
Every single cell depends on blood to bring it nutrition and oxygen, as well as remove waste.
If organs don’t receive enough oxygen, they under-function. And that’s exactly what happens when plaque builds up in your arteries.
You may feel shortness of breath if your heart’s arteries are clogged, but that’s the smallest part of the story.
The cholesterol plaque builds up in every artery in your body, affecting every organ.
It causes . . .
- Brain fog – when arteries in the brain narrow
- Muscle pain and weakness – when arteries to the muscles narrow
- Erectile and other sexual dysfunctions – when arteries around the genitals narrow
. . . leading to all kinds of complications years before you even suffer your first heart attack or stroke.
And make no mistake . . .
Lowering your cholesterol level is not the goal; clearing out your arteries is!
This page reveals a little-known secret to tackle cholesterol plaque, previously only available to the rich and famous.
You’re about to discover how to:
- Completely clean out the plaque buildup in your arteries
- Drop your cholesterol to a healthy level
- And boost your physical and mental energy to levels you didn’t think possible
. . . all by cutting out just ONE simple ingredient you didn’t even know you were consuming.
That’s right!
We’re not talking about your favorite beefsteak, butter, fat, or any other product you’re consciously eating.
We’re not even talking about cholesterol as you know it.
And when I tell you what this ingredient is, you’ll be so disgusted that you’ll never eat it again.
You’ll begin to obsessively read food labels and research every meal that you eat to make sure you never put this horrendous ingredient in your mouth again.
And again, NO, we’re not talking about:
- preservatives
- chemicals
- or anything else really listed on the food labels
I’ll explain in a minute exactly what this ingredient is and how to completely cut it out of your diet.
But first, the really good news.
You see, once you’ve cut out this ingredient, you won’t believe the positive effects you’ll feel. Because the plaque buildup in your arteries is taking away 50–80% of your energy!
Just think about it . . .
Every single cell depends on blood to bring it nutrition and oxygen, as well as remove waste.
If organs don’t receive enough oxygen, they under-function. And that’s exactly what happens when plaque builds up in your arteries.
You may feel shortness of breath if your heart’s arteries are clogged, but that’s the smallest part of the story.
The cholesterol plaque builds up in every artery in your body, affecting every organ.
It causes . . .
- Brain fog – when arteries in the brain narrow
- Muscle pain and weakness – when arteries to the muscles narrow
- Erectile and other sexual dysfunctions – when arteries around the genitals narrow
. . . leading to all kinds of complications years before you even suffer your first heart attack or stroke.
And make no mistake . . .
That’s if you don’t take action today and cut out this one ingredient.
Cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death in the world.
And if you’ve already been diagnosed as high risk – meaning you have high cholesterol or high blood pressure – you’re almost guaranteed to suffer a heart attack or stroke, if you don’t take drastic measures.
But after learning today how to manage this one ingredient, you’re going to see your doctor’s eyes pop out with astonishment.
Your doctor will not believe that you can bring down your cholesterol and clear out your arteries without drugs.
Myth #1
LDL (Bad Cholesterol) is the cause of plaque buildup.
Not true.
In 2009, researchers at the University of California in Los Angeles [1] analyzed the medical statistics of 136,905 heart attack patients from 541 hospitals across the U.S.
Incredibly, 75% of those who suffered a heart attack had an LDL cholesterol score below 130 mg/dl (labeled as acceptable), and 50% had a score below 100 mg/dl (labeled as very healthy.)
Only 25% of those who suffered a heart attack actually had high cholesterol.
Similar findings have been proven in repeated studies before and since.
So there must be another cause other than a bad LDL level, and I’ll tell you in a second what that is.
Myth # 2
Lowering your cholesterol with drugs will prevent heart attack.
A new review research from Massachusetts Institute of Technology [2] concluded that no reliable study has ever proven that statins prevent deaths.
What’s more, this research shows that every single cholesterol hype-study has been purposely misleading.
The most drastic proof of the ineffectiveness of statins, however, comes from a study published in 2008 in the New England Journal of Medicine [3].
The researchers showed that treatment with two statins lowered cholesterol much more than treatment with one statin alone.
Good so far for the pharmaceutical industry.
. . . because treatment with two statins led to a higher buildup of plaque in the arteries –meaning that your cholesterol level goes down, but your arteries get more clogged.
This, of course, leads to heart attack, stroke, and all the other cardiovascular diseases you’re suffering from without knowing it.
I think you agree with me that . . .
Lowering your cholesterol level is not the goal; clearing out your arteries is!
What is going on?
Shouldn’t a lower LDL cholesterol level improve your heart health?
But it does NOT as studies have proven!
At the same time, statins cause all kinds of side effects that are often more serious than heart attack and stroke.
One of the most serious is . . .
Statins have been proven to cause type 2 diabetes.
For the last 20 years, while statin use has been on the rise, new cases of type 2 diabetes have more than doubled.
Here are a few more examples of the serious side effects of statins:
- Weakness
- Nerve damage in the hands and feet
- Acidosis dysfunction of the pancreas
- Muscle aches and pains
- Sexual dysfunction
- Anemia
- Cataracts
- Rhabdomyolysis (a serious degenerative muscle tissue condition)
- Liver diseases
- Suppressed immune function
- Several types of cancer
These are just a few of the serious diseases statins cause without benefitting you at all.
This brings us back to the one ingredient that is the cause of all the plaque buildup in your arteries.
The one ingredient that you’re consuming on a daily basis, without even knowing it exists.
And how cutting it out, will completely prevent stroke and heart attack.
New, breakthrough studies have found this type of cholesterol to be the main building block of plaque in the arteries.
There is actually not a trace of normal LDL in the plaque that narrows your arteries, causes heart attack, and drains your energy.
I can take you by the arm and lead you step-by-step through the four-week strategy to completely eliminate all plaque buildup in your arteries and prevent stroke and heart attack.
- I will teach you exactly which foods cause oxidized cholesterol and which reduce it. You’ll be shocked to know about all the delicious foods you can actually eat.
- I will lead you week by week to add a new step toward dropping your oxidized-cholesterol level and clearing out your arteries. Since we will do this little by little, it will be almost effortless.
- I will give you tools to monitor and manage your strategy to make sure you succeed with the program. This works exactly the same as when Oliver called me every night, except you don’t have to waste your time on a phone call.
Is how you’re going to feel just four weeks from now.
Because, unlike simply dropping your cholesterol level, your arteries will actually grow younger and cleaner. You’ll have more energy than you thought possible.
Blood will now flow effortlessly to your muscles, brain, and skin, giving you this young, fresh, beautiful aura. People will be commenting on how good you look.
And you’ll not have to worry about having the same fate as the majority of people around you – which is to die from a heart attack or stroke.